
Meet the TEAM

Africaid just like any other organization has got people or to be more precise a team which keeps everything together and running as effectively as it does. Team 2013 has got the following individuals:

Nicola Willis

Nicola Willis

THE BOSS-Nicola Willis trained for four years as a specialist children’s nurse at Nottingham University, UK, and afterwards developed interests in children with HIV. In 2002 she left the UK with her colleague Marcus McGilvray to drive to Africa in a 20 year old landrover. They crossed the Sahara Desert on their way south, working in Ghana (building from scratch a clinic for people with HIV), and then South Africa (writing internationally acclaimed guidelines for managing HIV in children).

In 2004 Nicola moved on to Zimbabwe, where she worked with Professor Luthy at Connaught Clinic in Harare, establishing the new children’s clinic there. Subsequently she created the Zvandiri Programme within her own organization Africaid, of which she is the Director.

We will start the introductions with team members who when you come to the Zvandiri House in Avondale, Harare  you are guaranteed of seeing them, thus:

THE AUNTIES- Martha, Eliza and Felisitas are women who are irreplaceable, in terms of counseling,

From the left: Elizabeth Gwenzi, Felisitas Ngubo & Martha Mawodzeke

From the left: Elizabeth Gwenzi, Felisitas Ngubo & Martha Mawodzeke

career guidance and Love- ask any Zvandiri youth. Martha is the Programs Manager of the organization, Felisitas is the Nurse counselor and Eliza is the Training officer and she is also a Counselor.

THE UNCLES- Likewise they are seen by many children and youths as father figures.Chengetai is the Monitoring, evaluation and reporting officer whilst Jonas is the Finance and Administrator Manager and Nigel is the Case Management Officer

Lawrence Magara & Sungano Bondayi

Lawrence Magara & Sungano Bondayi


THE I.T OFFICERS- Young, determined and courageous (to face the computer and use it to its extent). Lawrence Magara and Sungano Bondayi are the 2 youths in charge of the I.T department and the training of computer skills to their peers.



Africaid is an organization which is growing and branching out into other Zimbabwean provinces and that is why we have the Provincial Focal Persons who include Siniko Ndlovu, Simbarashe Munyonho and

From left: Siniko Ndhlovu, Simbarashe Munyonho & Takura Mangwiro

From left: Siniko Ndhlovu, Simbarashe Munyonho & Takura Mangwiro

Takura Mangwiro. They in turn are working and training tirelessly the Zvandiri program to various health institutions in Bulawayo (Bulawayo province), Gweru (Midlands province) and Mutare (Manicaland province) respectively.




Far Back: Jonas Manangazira, Andreas Keller, Takura Mangwiro Centre: Siniko Ndhlovu, Nigel Gaza, Chengetai Dziwa, Simbarashe Munyonho, Martha Mawodzeke & Elizabeth Gwenzi In front: Felisitas Ngubo

Far Back: Jonas Manangazira, Andreas Keller, Takura Mangwiro
Centre: Siniko Ndhlovu, Nigel Gaza, Chengetai Dziwa, Simbarashe Munyonho, Martha Mawodzeke & Elizabeth Gwenzi
In front: Felisitas Ngubo

Pics taken in Victoria Falls where the leaders went for team building





3 Responses to Meet the TEAM

  1. Bianca says:


  2. Monica says:

    Great job you are doing there, really making a difference in Children’s lives

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