DREAMS partners to offer comprehensive package to adolescent girls and young women through layering of services

District Administrator for Makoni, Mr Mashava welcoming DREAMS partners and stakeholders to the planning meeting

District Administrator for Makoni, Mr Mashava welcoming
DREAMS partners and stakeholders to the planning meeting

Recently, Makoni DREAMS project Secretariat, Africaid, in collaboration with Management Sciences for Health (MSH) and National AIDS Council of Zimbabwe coordinated a district planning meeting with the aim of consolidating a work plan which will be implemented in the next 6 months.

The meeting was also attended by implementing partners ; SAfAIDS, Population Services Zimbabwe, Family AIDS Care Trust Mutare (FACT) and government ministries including the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Ministry of Public Services Labour and Social Welfare and the District Administrator.

Africaid Zvandiri Programmes Manager encouraged DREAMS partners to layer services so that beneficiaries can access a comprehensive package to achieve DREAMS targets.

DREAMS partners and stakeholders during Makoni district planning Meeting.

DREAMS partners and stakeholders during Makoni district planning Meeting.