By Lawrence Magara

New recruits

All over Zimbabwe the Zvandiri program is now found to help, inspire and empower HIV positive adolescents and teenagers. Its in the month-end of August that our aunties and some CATS member from Harare went to Bulawayo to properly hear and help them on how to properly execute the duties placed on their heads.


Smiling faces is what we are made of

The responsibilities and functions of counseling, what sort of impact does in bear on children it has on them. Stigma and discrimination still is a part of our conversation as the elite ones in the community. Education is the only key to fight the song of rejection so we are trying in all we can.

By Lawrence Magara

CATS weekly reports done via Skype


Since the beginning of this year we have been saying it, wanting to do it and looking for the correct channels to do so. Yesterday the 20th of August, CATS members from various communities around Harare converged to do their weekly reports and also to be part of such an awesome event-the first time we used photo(1)   Skype to communicate with CATS Manicaland and CATS Midlands. They shared their experiences when carrying out home visits, the problems they were facing and what they went through since they last saw each other. It was very successful and fun as they quickly asked each other about their relationships- boyfriends and girlfriends. We have come a long way and hopefully next time we will be talking with the Bulawayo team, all is well.


A letter to a beloved friend




10 August 2013

Dear Diana,

The first time we met, my first impression of you was “Forever cheerful”. You did not let anything or anyone get you down; you did not care about a person’s outward appearance but what was inside their heart. Embracing everyone into your circle made sure that no one was ever left out.

Diana Chidoori

Diana Chidoori

Time spent with you was never dull, I knew I would always smile in your presence. Did I mention the jokes you would tell? If you weren’t smiling you would be busy dancing some crazy routine and on top of that calling it a dance. No matter how small the victory or the achievement, you would gladly celebrate it. I wish I could have the same outlook on life-happy even though deep down you are sad, laughing when the situation desired you to be angry. Everything you took in your stride, never rushing and being near you my confidence grew. How am I to laugh or celebrate when all I am reminded of is YOU-the friend who left?

To the awesome you, the one who made me see the world in a different light, the one who saw me as an elder sister, I miss you already. Forever you will remain in our hearts; my dearest friend may your soul rest in eternal peace

Love you always

Sungano Bondayi

P.S You do know that I loved, admired and respected you right?