
Deaf and HIV positive

Ezeria at a local event

Ezeria at a local event

We want to share with you our great news, if you remember on the 22nd of February this year we posted on both our Facebook page and website concerning Ezeria. In the posting we originally congratulated Ezeria on her film being accepted as one of the finalist in the UNICEF’s Youth Video “It’s About Abilities” contest.

The contest was a platform given by UNICEF whereby young people from around the world made a one minute video/film about disabilities. In her film “Deaf and HIV positive” Ezeria chose to publicly disclose her HIV status, in which she describes in sign language about her disability, and being HIV positive-it was one of the overall 14 finalists. Yun Han’s film, ‘Equal right to dream‘ was declared the winner and she will receive a video camera as the winning filmmaker.

‘Doudejli‘, made by 23-year-old Evelyne Hessou Sènan from Benin received a special mention. Her film follows the story of a disabled boy who wants to go to school, but whose dad refuses. In the end, the boy overcomes the odds and attends the local school. ‘Equal right to dream‘ may have been selected as the winner but to everyone who participated they are all winners. To Ezeria we say congratulations and keep on advocating for people with disabilities- to see more about the videos visit UNICEF.ORG or http://www.unicef.org/videoaudio/video_69044.html


PAB meets

The Peer Advisory Board conducted their first meeting of the year on the 18th of this month. Its membership is made up of one child representing their support group/community.PAB is there to cater for children’s wellbeing, children who are in support groups. Their (PAB) job is to find out whether there are any querries, likes or suggestions by children.

Due to various commitments PAB was not having its update meetings hence the call for a structured and functional board. The board cited many issues which include:

  • pillbox distribution helping children adhere to their medication
  • children love the educational books at support group and are hoping for more
  • the topics, discussions and information shared at the support groups is easy to apply and also helping their fellow peers going through difficulties
  • the fact that there are child leaders at the group meets make it easy for another child to relate, relay whatever
  • there should be youth groups to cater for teenagers
  • most children are afraid of attending support groups in their communities due to discrimination
  • follow up on children who are out of school and develop their skill and talent
  • All members agreed that support groups have made it easy to interact and communicate with each other.

PAB also passed a rule that if any of their members miss 3 meetings he/she is permanently

PAB members leaving after a hard day's work

PAB members leaving after a hard day’s work

removed and someone from the same community will be handpicked for the position.

There was a call for a strong leadership thus the following positions emerged- Chairperson, vice Chairperson, Committee member, Advocacy and information Chairperson, Treatment Care and Support Chairperson, Secretary.



By Lawrence Magara

Happy and grateful

waiting for the show to commence at the Simba Zone-HIFA

waiting for the show to commence at the Simba Zone-HIFA

HIFA 2013 may be a thing of the past but to these children and youths the memories remain strong and vivid in their minds.

taking it out on the dance floor

taking it out on the dance floor

Long awaiting has it been since the previous exhibition of art. The Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) where our organization has been invited for the past couple of years and it was at this year’s that we were invited to participate broadening up their theme for this year ‘whats next’. A lot of exhibition was expected to commence which included live shows from local and regional artists, modelling shows to say just a few. The one we had been invited to was a dancing extravaganza which was happening for the first time in HIFA’s history or even in Zimbabwe. On the 1st of May the first MOB dance was showcased at Avondale shopping center which was a bit crazy and fun at the same time. The 2nd MOB dance took place along George Silundika and First street in the CBD on the 4th of May.

Pastor Chantel Wright with the U.S Ambassador to Zimbabwe David Bruce Wharton, Manuel Bagorro ( founder-HIFA) and St Georges Principal

Pastor Chantel Wright with the U.S Ambassador to Zimbabwe David Bruce Wharton, Manuel Bagorro ( founder-HIFA) and St Georges Principal

Songs of Solomon in collaboration with a local choir were set to perform at HIFA’s main stage arena on the 5th, the concert which was dubbed “Songs of Inspiration, Singing in The Homeland: American Soul Meet African Rhythm”. Why are we speaking of an American gospel choir? We were part of the youths invited to see them during their rehearsals held at St Georges. It was amazing how everyone interacted with each other, one song which moved everyone to tears goes like this “..I need you, you need me, I love you, I need you to survive!”. Leading the choir was Pastor Chantel Wright, she said something important soon after the song saying “It is easy to love, give someone a hug and you would not have lost anything at all in the process.”



Interview with Nicola Willis

This week, Nicola was interviewed by author Tinei Shamu, to understand more please the following link.