
Professor Lake comes to Zvandiri House

Dr Gianni Murzi and Prof Anthony Lake

Dr Gianni Murzi and Prof Anthony Lake

Zvandiri house on the 9th of March 2013 was home to the Executive Director of United Nations Children’s Fund i.e. UNICEF. Professor Anthony Lake was accompanied by Dr Gianni Murzi (Country Representative for UNICEF Zimbabwe), Judith Sherman, Lauren Rumble, Elayn Sammon, Beula Senzanje- all from UNICEF Zimbabwe. They were joined by UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Southern Africa Mr Oliver Mtukudzi and the Africaid team Martha Mawodzeke, Eliza Gwenzi, Chengetai Dziwa, Nigel Gaza, Modester Muziringa, Samantha C Chimwariro, Alex Muchero, Tanaka and myself.

Group photo with UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Southern Africa Mr Oliver 'Tuku' Mtukudzi

Group photo with UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Southern Africa Mr Oliver ‘Tuku’ Mtukudzi


Mr Lake had an informal discussion with children from different organizations about the kind of world they would want to live and grow up in, the help they need to realize their vision and their role as children in their different organizations given their position in their respective organizations. Given these questions my answer would have been;

A child's view

A child’s view

“A world free from judgement and discrimination, a world where my views and opinions are heard regardless of my age. Strife, hate, anger, degradation put together form PATHETIC. That is what I live in now but not all things and everyone are pathetic. Some are kind, helpful, inspirational and true role models. Love, more love. Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. Do you honestly want people to hate and discriminate you just because your being different is deemed as uncool by the world? Why do we have to classify a certain look as beautiful? With what rules are we saying if you do this and if you look like this then you are beautiful? It’s time we changed the way we as people think. Someone once said if you are going to make a change; start with the man in the mirror then the world will change.

Prof Anthony Lake with Martha Mawodzeke, viewing the accolades awarded to Africaid

Prof Anthony Lake with Martha Mawodzeke, viewing the accolades awarded to Africaid

I can be someone that my fellow peers admire and want to emulate, be an inspiring young adult by taking the time to listen to others and being kind and humble.

If we are together that vision can be realized, give me patience and guidance and I will be someone with bigger visions.

I have love, care, advice, support and I am confident because I have Africaid. What about other children being ravaged by famine, war, uncaring guardians; orphans- who and what do they have?

Prof Anthony Lake, Sungano Bondayi and Dr Gianni Murzi

Prof Anthony Lake, Sungano Bondayi and Dr Gianni Murzi

When you pass a child in the street do you smile at all or do you see them as a nuisance? Your smile goes a long way in making the world a better place.” Think about it.


Loyce goes to Wellingborough School!

Loyce with the pupils at Wellingborough School

Loyce with the pupils at Wellingborough School

Well done Loyce for showing the pupils of Wellingborough School another view of life with HIV! Thank you Wellingborough School for yet another warm welcome and all the support over the past ten years. Anyone living in the East Midlands area of the UK – look out for Loyce on ITV local news at 6pm tonight. If not tonight, it will be on tomorrow.


Good Luck to the Vocational Skills Students

Yesterday was an exciting day for 30 young people from Zvandiri’s Vocational Skills Training Programme! They started their training courses at Harare Polytechnic and they are SO excited. This one year programme is made possible by Swiss AIDS Care International the generosity of private donors in Switzerland. The students receive entrepreneurial training from Junior Achievement, IT Training in a vocational skill and mentoring as they establish their own businesses. This is the second year of the programme. The 30 students from last year are now hard at work with their new businesses and establishing client bases in their chosen fields such as graphic design, catering, hair and beauty.

Mike is 21 years old. He was asked how he feels about starting a training course at the Polytechnic. He said…”Can’t you see it written all over my face? Who would have thought that I of all people would be coming here to study at Harare Polytechnic? I did not do well at school. I had no hope for my future. How was I going to support myself and my family? But here today, now I have hope

Good Luck to all the students and a big thank you to Swiss AIDS Care International!