
When I saw Mama Graca

Me with Mama Graca

It was the day for voices of children

And Mama Graca came to hear voices of children.

They were many people at that day. They were so many groups of kind people. The children were talking about stigma, human rights and many more.

We heard and see the Zvandiri dance group. It was very nice I wish to dance like they do.
It was a day I never see. I will never forgot that day. I wish to have that day again.

Tanya (11)

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Something inside so strong

Girls from Zvandiri and Arundel School Choir singing “Something inside so Strong”

It was a very exciting day when we went to Africaid. We had a practice for our choir with some of the children of Arundel High school. We had a training for three weeks in Arundel High school. It was so funny and I was excited. I was one of the choir girls. We were girls only. This choir was learning to sing “Something inside so strong” so we could sing at the National Art Gallery on the 29th November. It was so fantastic. We meet the head of UNICEF and our friends from Zvandiri where in the dance group.

We succeed to sing the song in front of so many people on that day because it was the day of World AIDS day. This song touched me very well.



Flowers for our Tree of Life

Flowers made from ARV bottles on the Tree of Life

I had a very good experience at Africaid when we were doing flower making. This flower making had aim of passing a message to everyone who lived with HIV and the negative ones. The flowers we made were for the Tree of Life we made. This name was brought out by us and our leader Mr Josh because we were going to use our empty bottles of ARV drugs to make flowers for the tree. It was exciting and fun meeting some new friends from other communities.

We had aim of making flowers of about 1500 to make a tree and we succeeded. This tree was for the National Arts Gallery for World AIDS Day. We went to the National Arts Gallary on the 29 November to place our tree there and doing this it was fun, exciting and motivating others and us.

Tree of Life at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe

On that day it was a day of showing our parents, hounerables and other invited guest about our tree and telling them that it was a tree of life meaning without this drugs (ARV’s) everyone living with HIV was not going to survive the desease. On this day we commemorated the day of World AIDS day giving out message to people that HIV infected people should be cared for, loved and support them.

On this day I was so happy because I felt like I was holding the earth and the Heavens in hands. When I say this I mean that I participated in two things. The flower making for the Tree of Life and I was one of the choir members who brought out the message about Something inside so strong meaning that us HIV positive children should not be pulled down by others, you have to be strong, and always be confident about what you do.

This was a good experience I really enjoyed it and I learnt a lot during this programme
