Zvandiri’s Child Adherence Support Workers asked to help major hospital
Today was an exciting day at Zvandiri as we expanded the Child Adherence Support programme (CASP). This programme has been running since July last year and is jointly funded by Maruva and USAID. Last year, Africaid trained 10 HIV positive adolescents from the Zvandiri programme as adherence counsellors. Working together with City Health clinics, the CHild Adherence supporters provide daily support for their HIV positive peers who are finding it difficult to take their ARV medicines. It has been a huge success, assiting children across 10 communities in Harare.
The CASP have been working closely with clinics, with nurses referring children who are struggling to take their medicines. This has resulted in one of Harare’s largest hospitals requesting that the CASP assist the clinic staff with their new adolescent clinic every week. So this started today and it went really well. There is a room at the hospital which has been designated for the adolescent clinic, but it needs lots of work to make it look welcoming and interesting for the teenagers.
So as teenagers from Zvandiri, we are now planning to renovate the room by painting and decorating it. We will take books donated by Wellingborough School for the teenagers to read whilst waiting at the clinic. Then we will need to buy paint and brushes to make it look nice!!
If anyone is interested in supporting this project, please let us know.